Saturday, December 14, 2013

What are Freckles? How to get rid of Freckles - DIY

Freckles are the dark brown spots on the face, specially on the upper parts like nose, forehead, upper cheeks etc. Freckles may appear on the other parts of the body as well, for example arms, shoulders, chest etc. For some people, freckles are natural but sometimes they appear due to the heavy sun exposure. It might be heredity due to which you can have freckles. Hormonal imbalance may also be the cause of it. Most of the times, people who have quite fair color are the victim of freckles.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How to get rid of Dark Circles - DIY

Dark Circles are the black marks or the blemishes which appear under your eyes and sometimes around the whole eyes. Unfortunately they make you feel aged even in your teen age. Especially if you are a beautiful and fair complexion lady, your dark circles can ruin your gorgeous appearance in a moment. Sometimes we are so much busy in household stuff and sometimes earning money that we leave caring ourselves. These are the times when we even forget to look into the mirror while trying to fulfill the needs of our loved ones. And when we get time to see the mirror, we regret for not paying attention to us.
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Sunday, December 8, 2013

How to get a Glowing Face - DIY

Healthy and glowing skin is such a beautiful gift from God that you cannot thank Him enough for it. Everyone wants their skin to become flawless and attractive but unfortunately, due to carelessness and some other factors, not all have the perfect skin. Sometimes it is only the spotless and clean skin which makes you different from others even though your features are not so attractive. Therefore we want to discuss the factors which play very important role in the journey towards getting a beautiful, flawless skin.
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Let us discuss now a lot of such important factors which you might know but you ignore them completely. Read it carefully and with patience and try to follow everything mentioned below.

Cleanse your face before going to bed
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What is your daily routine? Are you living in a 100% dust-free environment? If no, then you need to cleanse your face thoroughly before you are going to bed. You can cleanse it with makeup remover, and then wash it with your favorite face wash. Rinse off your face by splashing water on to it. Dry it gently with a soft towel or tissue paper. Remember, never rub your face, it becomes rough when you do so. You can apply some toner of a good company after cleansing your face. Then use a moisturizer so that the whole day's dryness runs away and your skin becomes repaired over the night. Hopefully you'll wake up fresh the next morning.

Sun is not everyone's friend
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If you are a working woman, or even if you go out for any sort of work, avoid the direct sun exposure. Keep yourself under an umbrella whenever you now that you have to go under the direct sunlight. And above all, apply some good SPF sunblock before going out in sunlight. That helps you by protecting your skin from dangerous and harmful rays of sun and keep your skin fresh and glowing all the day. Remember, it is very important to keep yourself safe from sunburn because once you get it; it does not leave you easily. So be careful!

Beauty Sleep
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Many of us are used to stay up late at night. Even sometimes we have no important pending task but still we are awake. Like our body parts, our skin also demands rest. You must have noticed that when you do not sleep, your skin looks like tired, dull and sagged. Dermatologists say that the lack of sleep causes to open the blood vessels of your skin and then dark circles also appear. When you sleep, skin starts its repairing system; many new cells grow and replace the older ones. Many hormonal and metabolic changes also happen during this time. You need to sleep 7 – 8 hours daily in order to get a perfect skin. Do not worry; if you are young, the good news for you is your skin recovers quickly. It is still not too late. Look at the clock and go to sleep if it is already too late. Read the rest of the post tomorrow.

Drink Water Adequately
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Water helps in digestion of food, normal blood circulation and many other activities inside your body. Your skin is made up of cells and you might not know that the cells are made up of water. Without water, just like a plant, cells also get dried and damaged ultimately. And of course you cannot look pretty having damaged cells on to your face and body. So do the justice with your skin and drink the sufficient amount of water daily to fulfill the need of your cells. If you think you take sufficient water and still your skin looks dried, apply a good brand's moisturizer after taking a bath. Your pores are open after taking a bath, so the moisturizer will be absorbed thoroughly into your skin. But again, nothing can replace the importance of natural things and water is one of those.

Take sufficient amount of Calcium
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Almost all of us used to hear the benefits of calcium in repairing tooth and bones. Does it do anything for skin? Yes it does! Do you know that calcium is the most plentiful mineral in your body? And when you talk about the skin, a deficiency of calcium may cause dryness, wrinkles, itching etc. An insufficient amount of calcium in your body increases the tendency to develop skin cancer. The most dangerous thing is, when you are lacking the required amount of calcium, the deficient parts steals it from your teeth and your bones and ultimately leaving them weak. Therefore to have a flawless skin, have enough of the calcium. Take orange juice daily in its season. Drink a glass of milk daily. And if you do not like orange juice and milk (which cannot be possible – at least for me) then consult your doctor to get an advice for some medicines having calcium in it.

Exercise Daily
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Wake up early, go out in the fresh air, inhale deeply and do some light exercises. Researches prove that the regular exercise is one of the secrets to a healthy skin. Exercise helps nourishing your skin cells by increasing the blood flow around the body. It also helps in reducing the stress. Take out at least 15 – 30 minutes for YOU and do an exercise. The only danger which is there for your skin while doing exercise is direct sun exposure. Therefore I mentioned above that wake up early when the sunlight cannot be harmful for you. If you are not able to do this, at least save yourself from the rays of sun while doing a workout.

Eat Wisely
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Always eat healthy food which is full of proteins, fresh and nutritious fruits and vegetables. Especially green vegetables help you a lot in getting a glowing skin. Try to have a food having lots of fibers like nuts, unprocessed fruits etc. Try to avoid a lot of junk food as it has become a fashion. Do not eat spicy stuff because it may incur pimples or acne on your face. Do not skip meals and try to eat light meal in dinner. Surely this will lead you towards a healthier skin.

Be Happy – Do not take Stress
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Your mind and your skin are interlinked somehow. Yes, this is not a joke. Whenever you feel nervous or tensed, just go to the mirror and look at yourself, you might be looking dull and with a bit or more sagged skin depending on your age and you stress level. Stress creates hormonal changes in your body which affects the skin as well. Try to reduce your tensions and keep yourself happy. Remember that it is just YOU who can care yourself in a good manner. So ignore anything bad happening around you. Do not voluntarily be responsible wrong things happening in your life. Keep a habit of forgiving people and last but not the least – SMILE, yes it is free! :)

5 DIYs of Instant Face Masks for Glowing Skin
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Here I am going to provide you 5 quick tips that work great when you are in hurry and just about to leave for some event or function like wedding or party etc. Please do not mention in comments if someone praises you because of your clear and sparkly skin. :)

1. Banana, Honey & Lemon Juice

Take a banana and mash it thoroughly. Add one tablespoon of honey and lemon juice in it. Mix the combination well and apply it onto your face. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash your face with fresh water. This mask will work as the best tip you have ever used for your skin.

2. Orange & Lemon Juice with Yogurt

Mix one tablespoon orange and lemon juice in one cup of yogurt and make a paste of it. Apply it on the face for 15 minutes. After it, clean your face using a tissue paper and wash it with fresh water after some time. You will feel the real difference in terms of a glowing face.

3. Lemon, Honey & Gram Flour

Take a cotton wool piece, soak it in warm water and squeeze it. Keep it on your nose 4 – 5 times. Then remove blackheads by gently pressing your nose. Or you can apply gram flour and honey on a lemon's surface and sub it on your nose, blackheads will be removed automatically. But remember, these tips are suitable just for women with normal skin type. If you are facing any skin problem like acne, pimples etc. please do not use these tips.

4. Olive Oil, Honey & Lemon Juice

Add one and a half teaspoon of olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon of honey and juice of one lemon into 2 tablespoon of brown sugar. Mix it well and massage your body with this mixture. You skin will remain fresh in winters.

5. Gram Flour & Milk

To control oil from your face, take gram flour and milk as needed and mix both items. Apply it on your face and then rinse off after 15 minutes. You can use this mask daily to keep your face fresh and glowing.

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Saturday, December 7, 2013

4 Easy Home Remedies for Cough

What is Cough?

A natural sudden reflex which humans and some animals use to clean their breathing system, nuisances, mucus in throat and other microbes. It is made naturally so that it protects your lungs. There are three phases of cough:
  • Breathe in
  • Exhalation forcefully with a closed glottis
  • Intense release of air followed by the opening of glottis with a typical sound
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Everything described above is all about the normal cough. But regular and frequent coughs may be a cause of some disease. There are viruses, bacteria and other germs in the air which sometimes attack you when you inhale. Or it can be transferred from a person who is carrying these viruses. When a person coughs without their hand on their mouth, and you are sitting beside them, there are chances that they have conveyed their germs to you.

Types of Cough


An acute cough continues less than 3 weeks. Cold and other respiratory infections can be the common causes of this type of cough.


The duration of a sub-acute cough is 3 – 8 weeks. This type of cough takes a bit longer to finish so it can continue even your cold or respiratory infections are over.


This is the most serious among these types i.e. a chronic cough. It lasts more than 8 weeks. It can be because of Post-nasal drip (upper airway cough syndrome), asthma etc.

Whatever is the type of cough you have, it must be cured on early steps so that it cannot harm your lungs and of course it cannot disturb your loved ones. :) That is why we are sharing with you some of the easiest and natural remedies to control your cough instantly at home. But please do not forget to visit a doctor if the home remedies do not work for you. Also please remember, we do not encourage you to be on home remedies for many days, never let your cough prolonged.

4 Home Remedies for Cough

1. Ginger & Honey
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Ginger really works like some magic for many of the diseases like a dull appetite, tummy cramps, joint pain etc. Honey is also a remedy for many of the human problems like cancer, heart diseases, ulcers, fungus etc. All you need to do is to extract sap from ginger. Wash the ginger, grind it thoroughly, wrap the crushed ginger in some neat cloth and press it with force. Collect its sap in some bowl. Mix it well with some amount of honey. Eat it and that's it. Do this daily until you are no more restless because of your cough.

2. Flour Sift
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Everyone uses flour in their daily routine life and when something is available easily in the market and we can have it daily, sometimes we forget its worth. This tip can make you realize that how beneficial flour can be for your health.Take 58 grams of flour and sift it. Take the leftover and boil it a lot in some water. Add salt or sugar (whatever you like) to taste. Drink this water when it becomes drinkable. Please avoid using cold water when you are on cough. Your disease can be even worse using cold water.

3. Egg Yolk & Honey
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Are you an egg lover? Yes? Then you must enjoy this tip or otherwise, take this as a medicine. All you need to do is to boil an egg properly and take out its yolk. Add some honey into it and mix it well. You can add a little amount of black pepper into it to make it taste good. And that's it, now you just need to eat this. This method works for even the worst case of cough. Tell others as well and collect prayers from them but try yourself first. :)

4. Honey & Tea
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Do you take tea daily? Why don't you offer me a cup of tea today? Just kidding. If yo're good at making tea, this remedy will be tasty for you. You just need to go to your kitchen. Prepare a tasty tea as you prepare daily. All you need to do extra is, to add two teaspoons of honey into your tea. Now take it, come back to this post and tell me in comments that you are feeling much better. Do this daily until your cough runs away.

We do not claim that using these remedies will make you perfect and you will not cough again ever, but these are simple home remedies which might help you instantly when you do not have a quick approach to your physician. Please note that these remedies should not be used for babies less than one year and once again I will say, consult your doctor if you have a severe problem of cough.

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Friday, December 6, 2013

What is Migraine? Causes and Treatments

What is Migraine?

You are here because you or someone around you might be suffering from this dangerous disease - yes, Migraine. This is a type of Headache in which, pain is sometimes so severe that it seems to be the brain just exploded . Tragedy is that the physicians do not yet know why it happens.
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